Mobile Thai Foot Massage In Essex | Thai Foot Massage At Home In Essex


Please note my mobile massage service is for ladies only.

Thai Foot Massage is a massage of the lower legs and feet using a traditional Thai stick . Like Indian Head Massage, it has been handed down by word of mouth through the generations.

It is similar to reflexology in the way that it stimulates different organs of the body. Traditional Thai foot massage is a very relaxing yet stimulating treatment, it promotes overall health, helps to increase energy and provides sense of well being.

Benefits of Thai Foot Massage are:

– Improves circulation in feet and legs
– Improves lymphatic drainage
– A boost for the immune system
– Reduces stiffness and improves flexibility
– Encourages physical healing
– Stress relief
–  Improves sleep
–  Lifts your mood
–  Improves concentration and clarity of mind


45 Minute Thai Foot Massage – £ 35

How To Book ?

Call Sarah on – 07939225872

Email Sarah on –