Mobile Massage ESsex

Mobile Massage In Leigh On Sea

Mobile Massage In Leigh On Sea also covering nearby Westcliffe & Southend On Sea

Melt away stress with a mobile massage at home in Leigh On Sea .

Your massage therapist will arrive with a massage table , a selection of soothing oils and relaxing music ready to set up in a comfortable place of your choice. Our massage beds are 6ft long by 2ft wide

A thorough treatment consultation will be carried out to discuss your treatment  and any problem areas. Then it’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy an hour of relaxation in the comfort of your home

How should I prepare for my Mobile Massage In Leigh On Sea ?

Honey Bee Therapy  will bring everything else for your home massage treatment, including a massage table, relaxing music and a choice  of essential oils.

We want your experience to be a relaxing one, therefore we would recommend that our mobile massage therapist sets up in a room that is private and warm.

We would advise having a hot shower or bath before your massage. This can help you to relax your muscles before treatment begins and may also help improve muscle recovery after the massage


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