Our mobile makeover team in Ipswich, Suffolk provide a home make/makeover party service for little girls in and around Ipswich . Our girls make over parties in Suffolk are available in Ipswich and the surrounding area including Woodbridge and Felixstowe. Our mobile make over team at Honey Bee Therapy in Ipswich Suffolk provide a girly and fun make over party service whilst teaching girls the importance of caring for the skin , nails & hair

Here are our party options below:

Girls Spa Pamper Parties 6 -11 

Girls Make Over Pamper Parties  6-11

Teen Make Over Pamper Parties 11- 16

Teen Spa Pamper Parties 11-16

Create Your Own Pamper Party 6 – 16

Ladies Pamper Parties 16+ 


Email: Pamper.parties@honeybeetherapy.co.uk