Mobile Massage Kent

Mobile Massage In Meopham

We offer mobile massage in Meopham Kent also covering the near by areas of  Gravesend, New Ash Green , Longfield  , Vigo  , New Barn and Hartley  .

Too busy to go to the spa or salon ? Honey Bee Therapy provide mobile massage in Meopham Kent which means we will come to you, either at home,  in you holiday accommodation or your place of work.


We don’t restrict you to set massage treatment, so if you want something gentle and relaxing, you can. If you want something more focused and deep tissue, you can. If you want a full body massage or focus on specific areas, you can. Your Massage, your way. That’s holistic mobile massage therapy.

You will need a suitable amount of room set up in advance (will need to fit a mobile therapy couch). We will need access to water and power points.

Please note that Free parking for home visits is required at or close to property. If there is parking that requires payment this charge will be added to your bill.

We cover a 10 mile radius of our DA2   location free of charge anything further is charged at 50p per mile return

Treatments available include :

-Aromatherapy Massage

Swedish Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

-Indian Head Massage

– Reflexology

Pregnancy Massage

Hot Stone Massage

Couples Massage

Group Bookings & Events





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